Vol. 209, No. 2, 2003

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Some planar algebras related to graphs

Brian Curtin

Vol. 209 (2003), No. 2, 231–248

Let X denote a finite nonempty set, and let W denote a matrix whose rows and columns are indexed by X and whose entries belong to some field 𝕂. We study three planar algebras related to W. Briefly, a planar algebra is a graded vector space 𝒱 = n+∪{+,−}𝒱n which is closed under “planar” operators.

The first planar algebra which we study, W = ∪ℱnW, is defined by the group theoretic properties of W. For n +, nW is the vector space of functions from Xn to 𝕂 which are constant on the Aut(W)-orbits of Xn, and +W, W are identified with 𝕂. The second planar algebra, 𝒫W = ∪𝒫nW, is the planar algebra generated W. We define it combinatorially: 𝒫nW is spanned by functions from Xn to 𝕂 defined via statistical mechanical sums on certain planar open graphs. The third planar algebra, 𝒪W = ∪𝒪nW, differs from 𝒫W only in that the open graphs defining the functions need not be planar.

It turns out that 𝒫W ⊆𝒪W ⊆ℱW. We show that 𝒫W = 𝒪W if and only if 𝒫4W contains a single special function known as the “transposition”. We show that 𝒪W = W whenever |X|! is not divisible by the characteristic of 𝕂.

Received: 5 February 2001
Revised: 27 June 2002
Published: 1 April 2003
Brian Curtin
Department of Mathematics
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, PHY114
Tampa, FL 33620