Vol. 209, No. 2, 2003

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A zeta function for flip systems

Young-One Kim, Jungseob Lee and Kyewon K. Park

Vol. 209 (2003), No. 2, 289–301

In this paper, we investigate dynamical systems with flip maps, which can be regarded as infinite dihedral group actions. We introduce a zeta function for flip systems, and find its basic properties including a product formula. When the underlying -action is conjugate to a topological Markov shift, the flip system is represented by a pair of matrices, and its zeta function is expressed explicitly in terms of the representation matrices.

Received: 26 December 2001
Published: 1 April 2003
Young-One Kim
School of Mathematical Sciences
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-747
Jungseob Lee
Department of Mathematics
Ajou University
Suwon 442-749
Kyewon K. Park
Department of Mathematics
Ajou University
Suwon 442-749