Vol. 212, No. 1, 2003

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Compact hypersurfaces in a unit sphere with infinite fundamental group

Qing-Ming Cheng

Vol. 212 (2003), No. 1, 49–56

It is our purpose to study curvature structures of compact hypersurfaces in the unit sphere Sn+1(1). We proved that the Riemannian product S1(√1-−-c2) ×Sn1(c) is the only compact hypersurfaces in Sn+1(1) with infinite fundamental group, which satisfy r n−2
n−1 and S (n 1)n(r−1)+2-
n− 2 + --n−2--
n(r− 1)+2, where n(n 1)r is the scalar curvature of hypersurfaces and c2 = n−2
nr. In particular, we obtained that the Riemannian product S1(√-----2
1 − c) × Sn1(c) is the only compact hypersurfaces with infinite fundamental group in Sn+1(1) if the sectional curvatures are nonnegative.

Received: 2 August 2002
Published: 1 November 2003
Qing-Ming Cheng
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Saga University, Saga 840-8502