Vol. 213, No. 2, 2004

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Symmetries of real cyclic p-gonal Riemann surfaces

Antonio F. Costa and Milagros Izquierdo

Vol. 213 (2004), No. 2, 231–243

A closed Riemann surface X which can be realised as a p-sheeted covering of the Riemann sphere is called p-gonal, and such a covering is called a p-gonal morphism. A p-gonal Riemann surface is called real p-gonal if there is an anticonformal involution (symmetry) σ of X commuting with the p-gonal morphism. If the p-gonal morphism is a cyclic regular covering the Riemann surface is called real cyclic p-gonal, otherwise it is called real generic p-gonal. The species of the symmetry σ is the number of connected components of the fixed point set Fix(σ) and the orientability of the Klein surface X∕σ. In this paper we find the species for the possible symmetries of real cyclic p-gonal Riemann surfaces by means of Fuchsian and NEC groups.

Received: 21 May 2002
Revised: 8 May 2003
Published: 1 February 2004
Antonio F. Costa
Depto. Matemáticas Fundamentales
UNED, C/ Senda del Rey 9
28040 Madrid
Milagros Izquierdo
Matematiska Institutionen
Linköpings Universitet
581 83 Linköping