Vol. 214, No. 1, 2004

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A Pieri rule for Hermitian symmetric pairs I

Thomas J. Enright, Markus Hunziker and Nolan R. Wallach

Vol. 214 (2004), No. 1, 23–30

Let (G,K) be a Hermitian symmetric pair and let g and k denote the corresponding complexified Lie algebras. Let g = k p+ p be the usual decomposition of g as a k-module. K acts on the symmetric algebra S(p). We determine the K-structure of all K-stable ideals of the algebra. Our results resemble the Pieri rule for Young diagrams. The result implies a branching rule for a class of finite dimensional representations that appear in the work of Enright and Willenbring (preprint, 2001) and Enright and Hunziker (preprint, 2002) on Hilbert series for unitarizable highest weight modules.

Received: 11 April 2003
Published: 1 March 2004
Thomas J. Enright
University of California, San Diego
Department of Mathematics
La Jolla CA 92093
Markus Hunziker
University of Georgia
Department of Mathematics
Athens GA 30602-7403
Nolan R. Wallach
University of California, San Diego
Department of Mathematics
La Jolla CA 92093