Vol. 215, No. 1, 2004

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David B. Massey


We introduce graded, enriched characteristic cycles as a method for encoding Morse modules of strata with respect to a constructible complex of sheaves. Using this new device, we obtain results for arbitrary complex analytic functions on arbitrarily singular complex analytic spaces.

We introduce graded, enriched characteristic cycles as a method for encoding Morse modules of strata with respect to a constructible complex of sheaves. Using this new device, we obtain results for arbitrary complex analytic functions on arbitrarily singular complex analytic spaces.

We introduce graded, enriched characteristic cycles as a method for encoding Morse modules of strata with respect to a constructible complex of sheaves. Using this new device, we obtain results for arbitrary complex analytic functions on arbitrarily singular complex analytic spaces.

We introduce graded, enriched characteristic cycles as a method for encoding Morse modules of strata with respect to a constructible complex of sheaves. Using this new device, we obtain results for arbitrary complex analytic functions on arbitrarily singular complex analytic spaces.

We introduce graded, enriched characteristic cycles as a method for encoding Morse modules of strata with respect to a constructible complex of sheaves. Using this new device, we obtain results for arbitrary complex analytic functions on arbitrarily singular complex analytic spaces.

David B. Massey
Dept. of Mathematics
Northeastern University
Boston, MA, 02115