Vol. 215, No. 1, 2004

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Paul Mezo


To each Levi subgroup of a general linear group there corresponds a set of general linear groups of smaller order. One may therefore construct an irreducible representation of such a Levi subgroup by taking the tensor product of irreducible representations of the smaller general linear groups. We generalize this construction to the context of metaplectic coverings over a p-adic field.

To each Levi subgroup of a general linear group there corresponds a set of general linear groups of smaller order. One may therefore construct an irreducible representation of such a Levi subgroup by taking the tensor product of irreducible representations of the smaller general linear groups. We generalize this construction to the context of metaplectic coverings over a p-adic field.

To each Levi subgroup of a general linear group there corresponds a set of general linear groups of smaller order. One may therefore construct an irreducible representation of such a Levi subgroup by taking the tensor product of irreducible representations of the smaller general linear groups. We generalize this construction to the context of metaplectic coverings over a p-adic field.

To each Levi subgroup of a general linear group there corresponds a set of general linear groups of smaller order. One may therefore construct an irreducible representation of such a Levi subgroup by taking the tensor product of irreducible representations of the smaller general linear groups. We generalize this construction to the context of metaplectic coverings over a p-adic field.

To each Levi subgroup of a general linear group there corresponds a set of general linear groups of smaller order. One may therefore construct an irreducible representation of such a Levi subgroup by taking the tensor product of irreducible representations of the smaller general linear groups. We generalize this construction to the context of metaplectic coverings over a p-adic field.

Paul Mezo
School of Mathematics & Statisctics
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6