Vol. 215, No. 1, 2004

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Omer Offen


Let F be a non-archimedean local field with residual field of odd characteristic. Given a reductive group G defined over F, equipped with an involution denoted gg, let K be a maximal compact of G. G acts on the space {x ∈ G |x = x ∗} by g x = g xg. Let s0 G be fixed by the involution and let S = G s0 and H = StabG(s0). A relative spherical function on S is a K-invariant function on S, which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke algebra of G relative to K. The problem at hand is to classify all such functions, compute them explicitly in terms of Macdonald polynomials and obtain an explicit Plancherel measure. We obtain a complete solution in three cases relevant to the theory of Automorphic Forms. Namely:

Case 1: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,F) × GL(n,F).

Case 2: G = GL(m,E ), H = GL(m, F).

Case 3: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,E).

E is an unramified quadratic extension of F.

Let F be a non-archimedean local field with residual field of odd characteristic. Given a reductive group G defined over F, equipped with an involution denoted gg, let K be a maximal compact of G. G acts on the space {x ∈ G |x = x ∗} by g x = g xg. Let s0 G be fixed by the involution and let S = G s0 and H = StabG(s0). A relative spherical function on S is a K-invariant function on S, which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke algebra of G relative to K. The problem at hand is to classify all such functions, compute them explicitly in terms of Macdonald polynomials and obtain an explicit Plancherel measure. We obtain a complete solution in three cases relevant to the theory of Automorphic Forms. Namely:

Case 1: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,F) × GL(n,F).

Case 2: G = GL(m,E ), H = GL(m, F).

Case 3: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,E).

E is an unramified quadratic extension of F.

Let F be a non-archimedean local field with residual field of odd characteristic. Given a reductive group G defined over F, equipped with an involution denoted gg, let K be a maximal compact of G. G acts on the space x G|x = x by g x = gxg. Let s0 G be fixed by the involution and let S = G s0 and H =  StabG s0. A relative spherical function on S is a K-invariant function on S, which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke algebra of G relative to K. The problem at hand is to classify all such functions, compute them explicitly in terms of Macdonald polynomials and obtain an explicit Plancherel measure. We obtain a complete solution in three cases relevant to the theory of Automorphic Forms. Namely:

Case 1: G = GL 2n,F,H = GL n,F × GL n,F.

Case 2: G = GL m,E,H = GL m,F.

Case 3: G = GL 2n,F,H = GL n,E.

E is an unramified quadratic extension of F.

Let F be a non-archimedean local field with residual field of odd characteristic. Given a reductive group G defined over F, equipped with an involution denoted gg, let K be a maximal compact of G. G acts on the space x G|x = x by g x = gxg. Let s0 G be fixed by the involution and let S = G s0 and H =  StabG s0. A relative spherical function on S is a K-invariant function on S, which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke algebra of G relative to K. The problem at hand is to classify all such functions, compute them explicitly in terms of Macdonald polynomials and obtain an explicit Plancherel measure. We obtain a complete solution in three cases relevant to the theory of Automorphic Forms. Namely:

Case 1: G = GL 2n,F,H = GL n,F × GL n,F.

Case 2: G = GL m,E,H = GL m,F.

Case 3: G = GL 2n,F,H = GL n,E.

E is an unramified quadratic extension of F.

Let F be a non-archimedean local field with residual field of odd characteristic. Given a reductive group G defined over F, equipped with an involution denoted gg*, let K be a maximal compact of G. G acts on the space {x  in  G |x = x *} by g x = g xg*. Let s0 in G be fixed by the involution and let S = G s0 and H = StabG(s0). A relative spherical function on S is a K-invariant function on S, which is an eigenfunction of the Hecke algebra of G relative to K. The problem at hand is to classify all such functions, compute them explicitly in terms of Macdonald polynomials and obtain an explicit Plancherel measure. We obtain a complete solution in three cases relevant to the theory of Automorphic Forms. Namely:

Case 1: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,F) × GL(n,F).

Case 2: G = GL(m,E ), H = GL(m, F).

Case 3: G = GL(2n,F), H = GL(n,E).

E is an unramified quadratic extension of F.

Omer Offen
Mathematics Department
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027