Vol. 215, No. 2, 2004

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Sur des foncteurs simples

Ismaïl Bourizk

Vol. 215 (2004), No. 2, 201–221

Let k be a field of positive characteristic p. One considers some categories, whose objects are given classes of finite p-groups, and morphisms are given classes of k-virtual bisets, i.e., linear combinations of bisets with coefficients in k. The category of k-linear functors from such a category to the category of k-vector spaces is abelian, and one can try to classify and describe its simple objects, or its projective objects.

By specific subfunctors of the Burnside functor, which have a unique simple quotient SQ,k, one will get some estimates on the k-dimension of the evaluations of these simple functors. These evaluations are equalities for abelian p-groups, and for such groups P the result is even stronger, since it provides some explicit k-bases for the evaluations SQ,k(P).

Published: 1 June 2004
Ismaïl Bourizk
UFR de Mathématiques
Université Paris 7, Case 7012
2, place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05