Vol. 216, No. 1, 2004

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Rearrangements and the local integrablility of maximal functions

Paul Alton Hagelstein

Vol. 216 (2004), No. 1, 111–126

Let MHL and MS respectively denote the Hardy–Littlewood and strong maximal operators, and let Mx and My respectively denote the one-dimensional Hardy–Littlewood maximal operators in the horizontal and vertical directions in R2. It is well known that if f and f are equidistributed functions supported on Q = [0,1] × [0,1], then QMHLf QMHLf. This article examines the relationships between QMyf and QMyf, QMyMxf and QMyMxf, and QMSf and QMSf in the scenario in which f and f are horizontal rearrangements of one another, meaning that f(⋅,y) and f(⋅,y) are equidistributed on [0,1] for any value of y.

The rearrangement results provided are not only of intrinsic interest, but also yield tools for more detailed examinations involving the local integrablility of maximal functions. They are used in a companion paper to prove that if f is supported on Q, QMyMxf < , and QMxMyf = , then there exists a set A of finite measure in R2 such that AMSf = .

Received: 9 June 2000
Published: 1 September 2004
Paul Alton Hagelstein
Department of Mathematics
Baylor University
Waco, Texas 76798