Vol. 216, No. 2, 2004

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Sufficient conditions for robustness of attractors

C.A. Morales and M.J. Pacifico

Vol. 216 (2004), No. 2, 327–342

A recent problem in dynamics is to determine whether an attractor Λ of a Cr flow X is Cr robust transitive. By an attractor we mean a transitive set to which all positive orbits close to it converge. An attractor is Cr robust transitive (or Cr robust for short) if it has a neighborhood U such that the set t>0Y t(U) is transitive for every flow Y that is Cr close to X. We give sufficient conditions for robustness of attractors based on the following definitions: an attractor is singular-hyperbolic if it has singularities, all of which are hyperbolic, and is partially hyperbolic with volume expanding central direction (Morales, Pacifico and Pujals, 1998). An attractor is Cr critically robust if it has a neighborhood U such that t>0Y t(U) is in the closure of the closed orbits of every flow Y Cr close to X. We show that on compact 3-manifolds all Cr critically robust singular-hyperbolic attractors with only one singularity are Cr robust.

Received: 24 April 2003
Published: 1 October 2004
C.A. Morales
Instituto de Matemática
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
C.P. 68.530
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
M.J. Pacifico
Instituto de Matemática
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
C.P. 68.530
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, RJ