Vol. 217, No. 1, 2004

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Flowlines transverse to knot and link fibrations

Robert Ghrist and Eiko Kin

Vol. 217 (2004), No. 1, 61–86

A knot or link in S3 is fibred if the complement fibres over S1, the fibres being spanning surfaces. We focus on those fibred knots and links which have the following property: every vector field transverse to the fibres possesses closed flow lines of all possible knot and link types in S3. Our main result is that a large class of fibred knots and links has this property, including all fibred nontorus 2-bridge knots. In general, sufficient conditions include a pseudo-Anosov type monodromy map and a sufficiently high degree of symmetry.

Received: 1 July 2003
Revised: 7 November 2003
Published: 1 November 2004
Robert Ghrist
Department of Mathematics
University of Illinois
Urbana IL 61801
Eiko Kin
Department of Mathematics
Kyoto University
Oiwake-cho Kitashirakawa Sakyo-ku Kyoto-shi
Kyoto 606–8502