Vol. 218, No. 1, 2005

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Areas of level sets of distance functions induced by asymmetric norms

David G. Caraballo

Vol. 218 (2005), No. 1, 37–52

We establish useful upper bounds for the (n1)-area of a level set ρ1{r} of a general distance function ρ to an (n1)-dimensional compact subset C of n, in terms of r and the area of C. These bounds nicely complement general isoperimetric inequalities that provide lower bounds for the same area. We allow distance functions induced from asymmetric norms, and prove our results without assuming that C is smooth. Unlike standard upper bounds using Federer’s Coarea Formula, which hold only for some values of r and which become arbitrarily large if we restrict r to be contained in sufficiently small intervals, our estimates hold for 1-almost every r > 0.

Our main result both extends and improves upon an important result of Almgren, Taylor, and Wang. First, our estimates hold for general distance functions. Second, in the case of ordinary distance functions, our estimates are sharper than theirs. Because our estimates hold for 1-almost every r, we can easily integrate to obtain volume estimates, such as those typically required for Hölder continuity theorems for flows in n. Indeed, Almgren, Taylor, and Wang used a weaker inequality to establish their main Hölder continuity theorem for curvature-driven flow of the boundary of a single crystal. In that setting, our estimate would lead to a similar result, but with a better coefficient.

We also establish several general results about asymmetric norms and their associated distance functions to compact sets. For example, the latter are Lipschitz continuous and have, for n-almost every x n, gradients with norms bounded a priori from above and below.

Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 28A75, 52A40
Secondary: 46B20, 49Q10, 49Q15
Received: 24 February 2002
Revised: 2 January 2003
Published: 1 January 2005
David G. Caraballo
Department of Mathematics
Reiss Science Building, 2nd floor
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057-1233
United States