We consider the class of
polynomial differential equations ẋ= λx − y + Pn(x,y) + P2n−1(x,y),
ẏ= x + λy + Qn(x,y) + Q2n−1(x,y) with n ≥ 2, where Pi and Qi are homogeneous
polynomials of degree i. These systems have a focus at the origin if λ≠0, and
have either a center or a focus if λ = 0. Inside this class we identify a new
subclass of Darboux integrable systems having either a focus or a center at the
origin. Under generic conditions such Darboux integrable systems can have at
most two limit cycles, and when they exist are algebraic. For the case n = 2
and n = 3 we present new classes of Darboux integrable systems having a
integrability, algebraic limit cycle, focus, center