Vol. 220, No. 1, 2005

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Rational jet dependence of formal equivalences between real-analytic hypersurfaces in 2

R. Travis Kowalski

Vol. 220 (2005), No. 1, 107–139

Let (M,p) and (M,p) be the germs of real-analytic 1-infinite type hypersurfaces in 2. We prove that any formal equivalence sending (M,p) into (M,p) is formally parametrized (and hence uniquely determined by) its jet at p of a predetermined order depending only on (M,p). As an application, we use this to examine the local formal transformation groups of such hypersurfaces.

real hypersurfaces, formal equivalence, jet determination
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 32H12, 32V20
Received: 17 March 2003
Revised: 27 March 2004
Accepted: 12 April 2004
Published: 1 May 2005
R. Travis Kowalski
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
510 E. Saint Joseph Street
Rapid City, SD 57701