Let F be a nonarchimedean
locally compact field, G be the multiplicative group of a finite dimensional central
simple F-algebra, and G′ be the kernel of the reduced norm det′ : G → F×. We
prove in this paper that for all distinguished open subgroup H ⊂ G and all
irreducible (smooth complex) representation π of H, the character Θπ=trace(π) is a
locally integrable distribution on H, locally constant on the set of regular elements of
H. Then we deduce that for all irreducible representation π′ of G′, the character
Θπ′=trace(π′) is a locally integrable distribution on G′, locally constant on the set
of regular elements of G′.
local field, central simple algebra, reduced norm, smooth
complex representation, character of SLn(D), twisted character of GLn(D), Fourier transform, local integrability