Vol. 222, No. 2, 2005

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Uncountably many inequivalent Lipschitz homogeneous Cantor sets in 3

Dennis Garity, Dušan Repovš and Matjaž Željko

Vol. 222 (2005), No. 2, 287–299

General techniques are developed for constructing Lipschitz homogeneous wild Cantor sets in 3. These techniques, along with Kauffman’s version of the Jones polynomial and previous results on Antoine Cantor sets, are used to construct uncountably many topologically inequivalent such wild Cantor sets in 3. This use of three-dimensional finite link invariants to detect distinctness among wild Cantor sets is unexpected. These Cantor sets have the same Antoine graphs and are Lipschitz homogeneous. As a corollary, there are uncountably many topologically inequivalent Cantor sets with the same Antoine graph.

wild Cantor set, Lipschitz homogeneity, similitude, coefficient of similarity, defining sequence, link invariant
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 54E45, 54F65
Secondary: 57M30, 57N10
Received: 13 April 2004
Accepted: 22 September 2004
Published: 1 December 2005
Dennis Garity
Mathematics Department
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States
Dušan Repovš
Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics
University of Ljubljana
Jadranska 19, P.O.Box 2964
Matjaž Željko
Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics
University of Ljubljana
Jadranska 19, P.O.Box 2964