Let F be a finite field with
characteristic greater than two. A Besicovitch set in F4 is a set P ⊆ F4 containing a
line in every direction. The Kakeya conjecture asserts that P and F4 have roughly
the same size, in the sense that |P|∕|F|4 exceeds C𝜀|F|−𝜀 for 𝜀 > 0 arbitrarily
small, where C𝜀 does not depend on P or F. Wolff showed that |P| exceeds a
universal constant times |F|3. Here we improve his exponent to 3 +− 𝜀 for
𝜀 > 0 arbitrarily small. On the other hand, we show that Wolff’s bound of
|F|3 is sharp if we relax the assumption that the lines point in different
directions. One new feature in the argument is the use of some basic algebraic
Besicovitch sets, affine spaces over finite fields, Kakeya
conjecture, reguli