We study regular Dirichlet
forms on locally compact Hausdorff spaces X in the framework of the theory of
commutative Banach algebras. We prove that, suitably normed, the Dirichlet algebra
ℬe = C0(X) ∩ℱe of continuous functions vanishing at infinity in the extended
domain ℱe of a Dirichlet form (ℰ,ℱ) is a semisimple Banach algebra. This implies
that two strongly local Dirichlet forms (ℰ1,ℱ1), (ℰ2,ℱ2) are quasi-equivalent (that
is, c−1ℰ1≤ℰ2≤ cℰ1 for some c > 0) if and only if they have the same
We describe the ideal structure of ℬe, showing that the algebraic K-theory
K∗(ℬe) of the Dirichlet algebra ℬe is isomorphic to the topological K-theory
K∗(X). This allows the construction of Dirichlet structures on (sections of)
finite-dimensional, locally trivial vector bundles over X.