Vol. 224, No. 1, 2006

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Semiclassical differential structures

Edwin J. Beggs and Shahn Majid

Vol. 224 (2006), No. 1, 1–44

We semiclassicalise the standard notion of differential calculus in noncommutative geometry on algebras and quantum groups. We show in the symplectic case that the infinitesimal data for a differential calculus is a symplectic connection, and interpret its curvature as lowest order nonassociativity of the exterior algebra. Semiclassicalisation of the noncommutative torus provides an example with zero curvature. In the Poisson–Lie group case we study left-covariant infinitesimal data in terms of partially defined preconnections. We show that the moduli space of bicovariant infinitesimal data for quasitriangular Poisson–Lie groups has a canonical reference point which is flat in the triangular case. Using a theorem of Kostant, we completely determine the moduli space when the Lie algebra is simple: the canonical preconnection is the unique point other than in the case of sln, n > 2, when the moduli space is 1-dimensional. We relate the canonical preconnection to Drinfeld twists and thereby quantise it to a super coquasi-Hopf exterior algebra. We also discuss links with Fedosov quantisation.

Poisson geometry, symplectic connection, noncommutative geometry, quantum group, differential calculus, nonassociative algebra
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 58B32, 58B34, 81R50
Received: 10 September 2003
Accepted: 2 February 2005
Published: 1 March 2006
Edwin J. Beggs
Department of Mathematics
University of Wales
Swansea, SA2 8PP
United Kingdom
Shahn Majid
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary College
University of London
327 Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom