Vol. 224, No. 2, 2006

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Julie Crenshaw & Kirk Lancaster


We construct examples of nonparametric surfaces z = h(x,y) of zero mean curvature which satisfy contact angle boundary conditions in a cylinder in 3 over a convex domain Ω with corners. When the contact angles for two adjacent walls of the cylinder differ by more than π2α, where 2α is the opening angle between the walls, the (bounded) solution h is shown to be discontinuous at the corresponding corner. This is exactly the behavior predicted by the Concus–Finn conjecture. These examples currently constitute the largest collection of capillary surfaces for which the validity of the Concus–Finn conjecture is known and, in particular, provide examples for all contact angle data satisfying the condition above for opening angles 2α (π∕2).


capillary graph, minimal surface, Concus–Finn conjecture, Riemann–Hilbert problem

Mathematical Subject Classification

Primary: 76D45

Secondary: 35J67, 53A10

Julie Crenshaw
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0033
United States
Kirk Lancaster
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0033
United States