Vol. 225, No. 2, 2006

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Circle packings on surfaces with projective structures and uniformization

Sadayoshi Kojima, Shigeru Mizushima and Ser Peow Tan

Vol. 225 (2006), No. 2, 287–300

Let Σg be a closed orientable surface of genus g 2 and τ a graph on Σg with one vertex that lifts to a triangulation of the universal cover. We have shown before that the cross ratio parameter space Cτ associated with τ, which can be identified with the set of all pairs of a projective structure and a circle packing on it with nerve isotopic to τ, is homeomorphic to 6g6, and moreover that the forgetting map of Cτ to the space of projective structures is injective. Here we show that the composition of the forgetting map with the uniformization from Cτ to the Teichmüller space Tg is proper.

Dedicated to Professor Yukio Matsumoto on his sixtieth birthday

circle packing, projective structure, uniformization, Teichmüller space
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 57M27
Received: 18 August 2004
Revised: 14 December 2004
Accepted: 19 January 2005
Published: 1 June 2006
Sadayoshi Kojima
Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ohokayama, Meguro
Tokyo 152-8552
Shigeru Mizushima
Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ohokayama, Meguro
Tokyo 152-8552
Ser Peow Tan
Department of Mathematics
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117543