Vol. 227, No. 1, 2006

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Operator multipliers

Edward Kissin and Victor S. Shulman

Vol. 227 (2006), No. 1, 109–141

We introduce a noncommutative version of Schur multipliers relative to an operator ideal. In this setting the functions of two variables are replaced by elements from a tensor product of C*-algebras, and the measures (or spectral measures) by representations. For commutative C*-algebras this approach agrees with Birman and Solomyak’s theory of double operator integrals. We study the dependence of the spaces of multipliers on the choice of representations and find that the question is closely related to Voiculescu and Arveson’s theory of approximately equivalent representations. The space of multipliers universal with respect to the chosen measures is related to the Haagerup tensor product of the algebras.

C*-algebra, representation, approximate equivalence, tensor product, Schur multiplier, operator ideal, $\omega$-continuity
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 46L06, 47B49
Secondary: 47B10, 47L20
Received: 11 December 2004
Accepted: 14 September 2005
Published: 1 September 2006
Edward Kissin
Department of Computing, Communications Technology and Mathematics
London Metropolitan University
Holloway Road
London N7 8DB
Great Britain
Victor S. Shulman
Department of Mathematics
Vologda State Technical University