where Ω = B1(0) is the unit ball in ℝn and 𝜀 > 0 is a small parameter. We prove the
existence of a radial solution u𝜀 having N interfaces {u𝜀(r) = 0} =⋃j=1N{r = rj𝜀},
where 1 > r1𝜀> r2𝜀>⋯> rN𝜀 are such that 1 − r1𝜀∼ 𝜀log(1∕𝜀) and
rj−1𝜀−rj𝜀∼ 𝜀log(1∕𝜀) for j = 2,…,N. Moreover, the Morse index of u𝜀 in Hr1(Ω𝜀) is
exactly N.