Vol. 229, No. 2, 2007

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Fiberwise divergent orbits of projective flows with exactly two minimal sets

Hiromichi Nakayama

Vol. 229 (2007), No. 2, 469–483

Let φt be a nonsingular flow on a 3-dimensional manifold M. Denote by πP : PX M the projectivized bundle of the quotient bundle of TM by the line bundle tangent to φt. The derivative of φt induces a flow ψt on PX, called the projective flow of φt. In this paper, we consider the dynamical properties of ψt restricted to πP1(M) for a minimal set M of φt, under the condition that the restriction of ψt to πP1(M) has exactly two minimal sets N1 and N2. If φt has no dominated splitting over M, we find two types of orbits of ψt in the domain between N1 and N2: one is “bounded below” and the other is “bounded above”. As an application we prove that, if φt is further assumed to be almost periodic on the minimal set, there is a dense orbit in that domain.

minimal set, projective flow, dominated splitting
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 37B05, 37D30
Received: 2 June 2005
Revised: 27 August 2005
Accepted: 13 August 2005
Published: 1 February 2007
Hiromichi Nakayama
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences
Hiroshima University
1-7-1 Kagamiyama
Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8521