Vol. 230, No. 2, 2007

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The two-parameter quantum group of exceptional type G2 and Lusztig’s symmetries

Naihong Hu and Qian Shi

Vol. 230 (2007), No. 2, 327–345

We give the defining structure of the two-parameter quantum group of type G2 defined over a field (r,s) (with rs), and prove the Drinfel’d double structure as its upper and lower triangular parts, extending a result of Benkart and Witherspoon in type A and a recent result of Bergeron, Gao, and Hu in types B,C,D. We further discuss Lusztig’s -isomorphisms from Ur,s(G2) to its associated object Us1,r1(G2), which give rise to the usual Lusztig symmetries defined not only on Uq(G2) but also on the centralized quantum group Uqc(G2) only when r = s1 = q. (This also reflects the distinguishing difference between our newly defined two-parameter object and the standard Drinfel’d–Jimbo quantum groups.) Some interesting (r,s)-identities holding in Ur,s(G2) are derived from this discussion.

2-parameter quantum group, Hopf skew-dual pairing, Hopf dual pairing, Drinfel’d quantum double, Lusztig symmetries
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 17B37, 81R50
Secondary: 17B35
Received: 16 August 2005
Accepted: 21 January 2006
Published: 1 April 2007
Naihong Hu
Department of Mathematics
East China Normal University
Zhongshan North Road 3663
Shanghai 200062
Qian Shi
Department of Mathematics
East China Normal University
Zhongshan North Road 3663
Shanghai 200062