Vol. 230, No. 2, 2007

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Asymptotic homological conjectures in mixed characteristic

Hans Schoutens

Vol. 230 (2007), No. 2, 427–467

In this paper, various Homological Conjectures are studied for local rings which are locally finitely generated over a discrete valuation ring V of mixed characteristic. Typically, we can only conclude that a particular conjecture holds for such a ring provided the residual characteristic of V is sufficiently large in terms of the complexity of the data, where the complexity is primarily given in terms of the degrees of the polynomials over V that define the data, but possibly also by some additional invariants such as (homological) multiplicity. Thus asymptotic versions of the Improved New Intersection Theorem, the Monomial Conjecture, the Direct Summand Conjecture, the Hochster–Roberts Theorem and the Vanishing of Maps of Tors Conjecture are given.

That the results only hold asymptotically is due to the fact that nonstandard arguments are used, relying on the Ax–Kochen–Ershov Principle, to infer their validity from their positive characteristic counterparts. A key role in this transfer is played by the Hochster–Huneke canonical construction of big Cohen–Macaulay algebras in positive characteristic via absolute integral closures.

Homological conjectures, mixed characteristic, big Cohen–Macaulay algebra, Ax–Kochen–Ershov, improved new intersection theorem, vanishing of maps of tors
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 13D22, 13L05, 03H05
Received: 25 October 2003
Accepted: 8 December 2006
Published: 1 April 2007
Hans Schoutens
Department of Mathematics
City University of New York
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
United States