Vol. 234, No. 1, 2008

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Marusia Rebolledo

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We show how the Gross–Kudla formula about triple product L-functions allows us to construct degree-zero elements of the supersingular module annihilated by the winding ideal. Using the method of Parent, we apply those results to the study of rational points on modular curves, determining a set of primes of analytic density 1 9210 for which the quotient of X0(pr) (r > 1) by the Atkin–Lehner operator wpr has no rational points other than the cusps and the CM points.


rational points on modular curves, supersingular module, special values of L-functions

Mathematical Subject Classification

Primary: 14G05, 11G05, 11G18

Secondary: 14G10, 11R52

Marusia Rebolledo
Laboratoire de Mathématiques
Université Blaise Pascal
Campus universitaire des Cézeaux
63177 Aubière