Vol. 234, No. 2, 2008

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The harmonicity of the Reeb vector field on contact metric 3-manifolds

Themis Koufogiorgos, Michael Markellos and Vassilis J. Papantoniou

Vol. 234 (2008), No. 2, 325–344

A contact metric manifold whose characteristic vector field is a harmonic vector field is called an H-contact metric manifold. We introduce the notion of (κ,μ,ν)-contact metric manifolds in terms of a specific curvature condition. Then, we prove that a contact metric 3-manifold M is an H-contact metric manifold if and only if it is a (κ,μ,ν)-contact metric manifold on an everywhere open and dense subset of M. Also, we prove that, for dimensions greater than three, such manifolds are reduced to (κ,μ)-contact metric manifolds whereas, in three dimensions, (κ,μ,ν)-contact metric manifolds exist.

contact metric manifolds, harmonic characteristic vector fields, H-contact manifolds, (κ,μ,ν)-contact metric manifolds
Mathematical Subject Classification 2000
Primary: 53D10
Secondary: 53C25, 53C15
Received: 18 April 2007
Revised: 10 October 2007
Accepted: 11 October 2007
Published: 1 February 2008
Themis Koufogiorgos
University of Ioannina
Department of Mathematics
45100 Ioannina
Michael Markellos
University of Patras
Department of Mathematics
26500 Rion
Vassilis J. Papantoniou
University of Patras
Department of Mathematics
26500 Rion