It is known that every closed
curve of length ≤ 4 in ℝn for n > 0 can be surrounded by a sphere of radius 1, and
that this is the best bound. Letting S denote the circle of circumference 4, with the
arc-length metric, we here express this fact by saying that the mapping radius of S in
ℝn is 1.
Tools are developed for estimating the mapping radius of a metric space X in a
metric space Y . In particular, it is shown that for X a bounded metric space, the
supremum of the mapping radii of X in all convex subsets of normed metric spaces is
equal to the infimum of the sup norms of all convex linear combinations of the
functions d(x,⋅) : X → ℝ (x ∈ X).
Several explicit mapping radii are calculated, and open questions