Let K∕F be a quadratic
extension of p-adic fields, and χ a character of F∗. A representation (π,V ) of
GL(n,K) is said to be χ-distinguished if there is a nonzero linear form L on V such
that L(π(h)v) = χ ∘det(h)L(v) for h ∈GL(n,F) and v ∈ V . We classify here
distinguished principal series representations of GL(n,K). Call ηK∕F the
nontrivial character of F∗ that is trivial on the norms of K∗, and σ the
nontrivial element of the Galois group of K over F. A conjecture attributed to
Jacquet asserts that admissible irreducible representations π of GL(n,K)
are such that the smooth dual π∨ is isomorphic to π ∘ σ if and only if it is
1-distinguished or ηK∕F-distinguished. Our classification gives a counterexample for
n ≥ 3.