We consider a family of
domains (ΩN)N>0 obtained by attaching an N × 1 rectangle to a fixed set
Ω0= {(x,y) : 0 < y < 1, −ϕ(y) < x < 0}, for a Lipschitz function ϕ ≥ 0. We derive
full asymptotic expansions, as N →∞, for the m-th Dirichlet eigenvalue (for any
fixed m ∈ ℕ) and for the associated eigenfunction on ΩN. The second term involves a
scattering phase arising in the Dirichlet problem on the infinite domain Ω∞. We
determine the first variation of this scattering phase, with respect to ϕ, at ϕ ≡ 0.
This is then used to prove sharpness of results, obtained previously by the same
authors, about the location of extrema and nodal line of eigenfunctions on convex