We study the ∂b-Neumann
problem for domains Ω contained in a strictly pseudoconvex manifold M2n+1 whose
boundaries are noncharacteristic and have defining functions depending solely on the
real and imaginary parts of a single CR function w. When the Kohn Laplacian is a
priori known to have closed range in L2, we prove sharp regularity and estimates for
solutions. We establish a condition on the boundary ∂Ω that is sufficient for □b to be
Fredholm on L(0,q)2(Ω) and show that this condition always holds when M
is embedded as a hypersurface in ℂn+1. We present examples where the
inhomogeneous ∂b equation can always be solved in C∞(Ω) on (p,q)-forms with
1 ≤ q ≤ n − 2.