We show that the
only finite nonabelian simple groups to admit a locally linear, homologically
trivial action on a closed simply connected 4-manifold M (or on a 4-manifold
with trivial first homology) are the alternating groups 𝔸5, 𝔸6 and the linear
fractional group PSL(2,7). (We note that for homologically nontrivial actions all
finite groups occur.) The situation depends strongly on the second Betti
number b2(M) of M and was known before if b2(M) is different from two, so
the main new result concerns the case b2(M) = 2. We prove that the only
simple group that occurs in this case is 𝔸5, and then deduce a short list of
finite nonsolvable groups which contains all candidates for actions of such
finite group action, simply connected 4-manifold, simple