We prove that one-sided
topological Markov shifts (XA,σA) and (XB,σB) for matrices A and B with entries
in {0,1} are continuously orbit equivalent if and only if there exists an isomorphism
between the Cuntz–Krieger algebras 𝒪A and 𝒪B keeping their commutative
C∗-subalgebras C(XA) and C(XB). The “if” part (and hence the “only if” part)
above is equivalent to the condition that there exists a homeomorphism from
XA to XB intertwining their topological full groups. We will also study
structure of the automorphisms of 𝒪A preserving the commutative C∗-algebra
topological Markov shifts, orbit equivalence, full group,
Cuntz–Krieger algebra