We study the solutions of
equations of type f(D,α)u = v, where f(D,α) is a p-adic pseudodifferential operator.
If v is a Bruhat–Schwartz function, there exists a distribution Eα, a fundamental
solution, such that u = Eα∗ v is a solution. However, it is unknown to which
function space Eα∗ v belongs. We show that if f(D,α) is an elliptic operator,
then u = Eα∗ v belongs to a certain Sobolev space, and we give conditions
for the continuity and uniqueness of u. By modifying the Sobolev norm,
we establish that f(D,α) gives an isomorphism between certain Sobolev
p-adic fields, p-adic pseudodifferential operators,
fundamental solutions, p-adic
Sobolev spaces
Centro de Investigación y de
Estudios Avanzados del I.P.N.
Departamento de Matemáticas
Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508
Col. San Pedro Zacatenco
07360 México, D.F.