Suppose that one of the real
vector spaces V and W is symplectic and the other is quadratic. Let g1 and g2
denote the Lie algebras of the groups of isometries of the two spaces, and let
τi: V ⊗ℝW → gi be their respective moment maps for i = 1,2. Suppose that 𝒪 and
𝒬 are nilpotent orbits in g1 and g2, respectively. We prove that τ2(τ1−1(𝒪)) and
τ1(τ2−1(𝒬))) are each the union of at most two closures of nilpotent orbits in
g1 and g2, respectively (where 𝒫 denotes the closure of a nilpotent orbit
orbit correspondence, nilpotent orbit, Young diagram