Let k be a nonarchimedean
locally compact field of residue characteristic p, let G be a connected reductive group
defined over k, let σ be an involutive k-automorphism of G, and H an open
k-subgroup of the fixed points group of σ. We denote by Gk and Hk the groups of
k-points of G and H. We obtain an analogue of the Cartan decomposition for the
reductive symmetric space Hk∖Gk in the case where G is k-split and p is odd. More
precisely, we obtain a decomposition of Gk as a union of (Hk,K)-double
cosets, where K is the stabilizer of a special point in the Bruhat–Tits building
of G over k. This decomposition is related to the Hk-conjugacy classes of
maximal σ-antiinvariant k-split tori in G. In a more general context, Benoist
and Oh obtained a polar decomposition for any p-adic reductive symmetric
space. In the case where G is k-split and p is odd, our decomposition makes
more precise that of Benoist and Oh, and generalizes results of Offen for
p-adic reductive group,
building, Cartan decomposition, symmetric space