Vol. 251, No. 2, 2011

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Rational certificates of positivity on compact semialgebraic sets

Victoria Powers

Vol. 251 (2011), No. 2, 385–391

Let [X] denote the real polynomial ring [X1,,Xn] and write [X]2 for the set of sums of squares in [X]. Given g1,,gs [X] such that the semialgebraic set K := {x ngi(x) 0 for all i} is compact, Schmüdgen’s theorem says that if f [X] such that f > 0 on K, then f is in the preordering in [X] generated by the gi’s, i.e., f can be written as a finite sum of elements σg1e1gses, where σ is a sum of squares in [X] and each ei ∈{0,1}. Putinar’s theorem says that under a condition on the set of generators {g1,,gs} (which is a stronger condition than the compactness of K), any f > 0 on K can be written f = σ0 + σ1g1 + + σsgs, where σi [X]2. Both of these theorems can be viewed as statements about the existence of certificates of positivity on compact semialgebraic sets. In this note we show that if the defining polynomials g1,,gs and polynomial f have coefficients in , then in Schmüdgen’s theorem we can find a representation in which the σ’s are sums of squares of polynomials over . We prove a similar result for Putinar’s theorem assuming that the set of generators contains N Xi2 for some N .

rational sums of squares, certificates of positivity, Schmüdgen’s theorem, Putinar’s theorem
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 11E25, 12D15, 13J30, 14P10
Secondary: 14Q20
Received: 2 January 2011
Revised: 3 February 2011
Accepted: 28 February 2011
Published: 3 June 2011
Victoria Powers
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Emory University
Atlanta, GA 30322
United States