Vol. 252, No. 1, 2011

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Knot 4-genus and the rank of classes in W((t))

Charles Livingston

Vol. 252 (2011), No. 1, 113–126

The Witt rank ρ(w) of a class w in the Witt group W(𝔽) of a field with involution 𝔽 is the minimal rank of a representative of the class. In the case of the Witt group of hermitian forms over the rational function field (t), we define an easily computed invariant r(w) and prove that, modulo torsion in the Witt group, r determines ρ; more specifically, ρ(4w) = r(4w) for all w W((t)). The need to determine the Witt rank arises naturally in the study of the 4-genus of knots; we illustrate the application of our algebraic results to knot theoretic problems, providing examples for which r provides stronger bounds on the 4-genus of a knot than do classical signature bounds or Ozsváth–Szabó and Rasmussen–Khovanov bounds.

knot genus, four genus, algebraic concordance, Witt group
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 57M25
Received: 29 July 2010
Accepted: 1 September 2010
Published: 8 October 2011

Proposed: Darren Long
Charles Livingston
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University
Rawles Hall
Bloomington IN 47405-5701
United States