A major goal in the theory of
Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space over the unit disk 𝔻 in the complex plane ℂ
is to competely describe the commutant of a given Toeplitz operator, that is, the set
of all Toeplitz operators that commute with it. In [2007], the first author
characterized the commutant of a Toeplitz operator T that has a quasihomogeneous
symbol ϕ(r)eip𝜃 with p > 0, in case it has a Toeplitz p-th root S with symbol ψ(r)ei𝜃:
The commutant of T is the closure of the linear space generated by powers Sn
that are Toeplitz. But the existence of a p-th root was known until now
only when ϕ(r) = rm with m ≥ 0. Here we will show the existence of p-th
roots for a much larger class of symbols, for example, those symbols for
Toeplitz operators, Bergman space, Mellin transform, Gamma
funtion, Beta function