We give new proofs of the
evaluation of the connection relation for the Askey–Wilson polynomials and for
expressing the Askey–Wilson basis in those polynomials using q-Taylor series.
This led to some inverse relations. We also evaluate the coefficients in the
expansions of (x + b)n in various q-orthogonal polynomials, including the
Askey–Wilson polynomials, which leads to explicit expressions for the moments of
the Askey–Wilson weight function. We generalize the q-plane wave expansion by
expanding ℰq(x;α) in Askey–Wilson polynomials. Further, we prove a bibasic
extension of the Nassrallah–Rahman integral and establish a recently conjectured
identity of George Andrews.
connection relations, bibasic integrals, moments of the
Askey–Wilson and q-ultraspherical distributions,
q-plane wave expansions,
bibasic integrals, Andrews conjecture