Consider a body, ℬ, rotating
with constant angular velocity ω and fully submerged in a Navier–Stokes liquid that
fills the whole space exterior to ℬ. We analyze the flow of the liquid that is steady
with respect to a frame attached to ℬ. Our main theorem shows that the velocity
field v of any weak solution (v,p) in the sense of Leray has an asymptotic
expansion with a suitable Landau solution as leading term and a remainder
decaying pointwise like 1∕|x|1+α as |x|→∞ for any α ∈ (0,1), provided
the magnitude of ω is below a positive constant depending on α. We also
furnish analogous expansions for ∇v and for the corresponding pressure
field p. These results improve and clarify a recent result of R. Farwig and
T. Hishida.
Navier–Stokes equations, asymptotic behavior of solutions,
rotating frame