Let v be a solution of the
axially symmetric Navier–Stokes equation. We determine the structure of a certain
(possible) maximal singularity of v in the following sense. Let (x0,t0) be a point
where the flow speed Q0= |v(x0,t0)| is comparable with the maximum flow speed at
and before time t0. We show, after a space-time scaling with the factor Q0 and the
center (x0,t0), that the solution is arbitrarily close in Clocal2,1,α norm to a nonzero
constant vector in a fixed parabolic cube, provided that r0Q0 is sufficiently large.
Here r0 is the distance from x0 to the z axis. Similar results are also shown to be
valid if |r0v(x0,t0)| is comparable with the maximum of |rv(x,t)| at and before time
t0. This mirrors a numerical result of Hou for the Euler equation: there exists a
certain “calm spot” or depletion of vortex stretching in a region of high flow
Axisymmetric Navier–Stokes equations, structure of