Let d ≥ 3, n1> 0 and
n2> 0 be integers. Let e= (e1,…,er) and q= (q1,…,qs) be two partitions of d. Let
X,X′ and Y be smooth, connected, projective complex curves. In this paper we
study coverings that decompose into a sequence
where π is a degree-two coverings with n1 branch points and branch locus Dπ and f
is a degree-d coverings with n2 points of simple branching and two special points
whose local monodromy is given by e and q, respectively. Furthermore the covering f
has monodromy group Sd and f(Dπ) ∩Df= ∅ where Df denotes the branch locus of
f. We prove that the corresponding Hurwitz spaces are irreducible under the
hypothesis n2− s − r ≥ d + 1.
Hurwitz spaces, special fibers, branched coverings, Weyl
group of type Bd,
monodromy, braid moves