We define a new notion of
total curvature, called net total curvature, for finite graphs embedded in ℝn,
and investigate its properties. Two guiding principles are given by Milnor’s
way of measuring using a local Crofton-type formula, and by considering
the double cover of a given graph as an Eulerian circuit. The strength of
combining these ideas in defining the curvature functional is that it allows us to
interpret the singular/noneuclidean behavior at the vertices of the graph as a
superposition of vertices of a 1-dimensional manifold, so that one can compute the
total curvature for a wide range of graphs by contrasting local and global
properties of the graph utilizing the integral geometric representation of
the curvature. A collection of results on upper/lower bounds of the total
curvature on isotopy/homeomorphism classes of embeddings is presented,
which in turn demonstrates the effectiveness of net total curvature as a new
functional measuring complexity of spatial graphs in differential-geometric