Littlewood raised the
question of how slowly the L4 norm ∥f∥4 of a Littlewood polynomial f (having all
coefficients in {−1,+1}) of degree n − 1 can grow with n. We consider such
polynomials for odd square-free n, where ϕ(n) coefficients are determined by the
Jacobi symbol, but the remaining coefficients can be freely chosen. When n is prime,
these polynomials have the smallest published asymptotic value of the normalized
L4 norm ∥f∥4∕∥f∥2 among all Littlewood polynomials, namely (7∕6)1∕4.
When n is not prime, our results show that the normalized L4 norm varies
considerably according to the free choices of the coefficients and can even grow
without bound. However, by suitably choosing these coefficients, the limit of
the normalized L4 norm can be made as small as the best published value