Vol. 258, No. 1, 2012

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Degenerate two-boundary centralizer algebras

Zajj Daugherty

Vol. 258 (2012), No. 1, 91–142

Diagram algebras (for example, graded braid groups, Hecke algebras and Brauer algebras) arise as tensor power centralizer algebras, algebras of commuting operators for a Lie algebra action on a tensor space. This work explores centralizers of the action of a complex reductive Lie algebra g on tensor space of the form M N V k. We define the degenerate two-boundary braid algebra 𝒢k and show that centralizer algebras contain quotients of this algebra in a general setting. As an example, we study in detail the combinatorics of special cases corresponding to Lie algebras gln and sln and modules M and N indexed by rectangular partitions. For this setting, we define the degenerate extended two-boundary Hecke algebra kext as a quotient of 𝒢k, and show that a quotient of kext is isomorphic to a large subalgebra of the centralizer. We further study the representation theory of kext to find that the seminormal representations are indexed by a known family of partitions. The bases for the resulting modules are given by paths in a lattice of partitions, and the action of kext is given by combinatorial formulas.

representation theory, combinatorics, Lie theory, Hecke algebras, braid groups, diagram algebras, tantalizers, Schur–Weyl duality
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 20C08
Secondary: 05E10, 17B10
Received: 2 May 2011
Revised: 22 August 2011
Accepted: 26 August 2011
Published: 21 July 2012
Zajj Daugherty
Department of Mathematics
Dartmouth College
6188 Kemeny Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
United States