Vol. 259, No. 1, 2012

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Extension theorems for external cusps with minimal regularity

Gabriel Acosta and Ignacio Ojea

Vol. 259 (2012), No. 1, 1–39

Sobolev functions defined on certain simple domains with an isolated singular point (such as power type external cusps) can not be extended in standard, but in appropriate weighted spaces. In this article we show that this result holds for a large class of domains that generalizes external cusps, allowing minimal boundary regularity. The construction of our extension operator is based on a modification of reflection techniques originally developed for dealing with uniform domains. The weight involved in the extension appears as a consequence of the failure of the domain to comply with basic properties of uniform domains, and it turns out to be a quantification of that failure. We show that weighted, rather than standard spaces, can be treated with our approach for weights that are given by a monotonic function either of the distance to the boundary or of the distance to the tip of the cusp.

extension theorems, external cusp, weighted Sobolev spaces
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 46E35
Received: 13 February 2012
Accepted: 27 February 2012
Published: 31 August 2012
Gabriel Acosta
Deptartment of Mathematics
University of Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria
Pabellón I
Buenos Aires
Ignacio Ojea
Deptartment of Mathematics
University of Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria
Pabellón I
Buenos Aires