Vol. 259, No. 2, 2012

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On a class of semihereditary crossed-product orders

John S. Kauta

Vol. 259 (2012), No. 2, 349–360

Let F be a field, let V be a valuation ring of F of arbitrary Krull dimension (rank), let K be a finite Galois extension of F with group G, and let S be the integral closure of V in K. Let f : G × GK ∖{0} be a normalized two-cocycle such that f(G × G) S ∖{0}, but we do not require that f should take values in the group of multiplicative units of S. One can construct a crossed-product V -algebra Af = σGSxσ in a natural way, which is a V -order in the crossed-product F-algebra (K∕F,G,f). If V is unramified and defectless in K, we show that Af is semihereditary if and only if for all σ,τ G and every maximal ideal M of S, f(σ,τ)M2. If in addition J(V ) is not a principal ideal of V , then Af is semihereditary if and only if it is an Azumaya algebra over V .

crossed-product orders, semihereditary orders, hereditary orders, Azumaya algebras, Dubrovin valuation rings
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010
Primary: 13F30, 16H05, 16E60, 16S35, 16H10
Received: 5 October 2011
Revised: 27 March 2012
Accepted: 10 April 2012
Published: 3 October 2012
John S. Kauta
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Bandar Seri Begawan BE1410
Brunei Darussalam